Wednesday 24 January 2018

Blender - Mushroom.


Blend file:

Friday 12 January 2018

Tuesday 19 December 2017


I`m thinking about doing a Quiz Game with questions about games, since this is a Game Design class. I've found the character that I want to ask the questions and the wallpapers that I want to use for each question. There's no such thing as a story behind the game since it's a quiz game. My plan is doing a few questions each class to have at least a good quantity(I'm still deciding how many). The coding process is basically creating the questions, it's pretty simple. That's the video that inspired me:

Thursday 14 December 2017

Scratch Level 2 - Racing game
  1. What difficulties did you have with programming this game? How did you fix them? Be specific. 
I couldn't make it two players, I tried to but the cars were moving at the same time so I couldn't fix it. I had different controls for each car but it wasn't working at all, I was pressing W to go straight with one car and the other would go too.
  1. What changes to the tutorial game did you add? Why and how?
I changed the style in general, the car, background, etc. Because I thought it would be funny to play as McQueen.

Scratch Level 3 - Pong

  1. What difficulties did you have with programming this game? How did you fix them? Be specific. 
I had difficulties with scoring the game, but then I decided to not include it on my game and just make it with no end, unstoppable.
  1. What changes to the tutorial game did you add? Why and how?
I didn't make an end score to the game since mine has no end and my game is for two players. The design is different, background, it's not a ball but a triangle, and the paddle is different.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Kodu Pac-Man

1. My game is kinda different than the original Pac-Man. You just need to eat enough apples to win the game and you don`t have the opportunity to kill the ghosts. The map is pretty much the same, the quantity of players and CPUs.
2. I created the green apples which increase the amount of points that you get when you eat an apple. Just to make the game more friendly.
3. At the beginning it was hard for me to make the floor and the walls symmetrical, but then I got used after a lot of tries and I got it right.
4. They said that the map is too small and that you can`t move properly so I`ll just make it a bit bigger to improve the gameplay and make my game better.
5. Yes, I should definitely improve my game. Like adding more interesting things, make a bigger and more complex map, make the game more difficult, maybe adding the "killing ghosts" mechanic. Make the map bigger.
Scratch - Intro

Blender - Mushroom.

Texture: Blend file: